To successfully place an order on Feelingirls, all you need to do is:
1. Go to your favorite product. Click the product link.
2. Select the right Color and Size.
3. Check the quantity - maybe you want to order more than one!
4. Click on the ‘ADD TO CART’ button.
5. Review all items in your cart - if you’re ready to finalize your order, click on ‘PROCEED TO CHECKOUT’.
6. Finalize your order by filling out all the information needed in the checkout page: Customer Information, Shipping Address, Billing Address, Shipping Method, Payment Information.
7. If you have a coupon code, enter the discount code and click "Apply". Your total amount will be updated to reflect the discount.
8. Review your order once more - This is to ensure that you got only the correct items you ordered (Chosen product/s, quantity, color and size).
9. Click on ‘Complete Order’ to finally set the wheels in motion for your package to come flying home.
1. Go to your favorite product. Click the product link.
2. Select the right Color and Size.
3. Check the quantity - maybe you want to order more than one!
4. Click on the ‘ADD TO CART’ button.
5. Review all items in your cart - if you’re ready to finalize your order, click on ‘PROCEED TO CHECKOUT’.
6. Finalize your order by filling out all the information needed in the checkout page: Customer Information, Shipping Address, Billing Address, Shipping Method, Payment Information.
7. If you have a coupon code, enter the discount code and click "Apply". Your total amount will be updated to reflect the discount.
8. Review your order once more - This is to ensure that you got only the correct items you ordered (Chosen product/s, quantity, color and size).
9. Click on ‘Complete Order’ to finally set the wheels in motion for your package to come flying home.